
Our main purpose is give an exellent customer service it there is any problem with the products you purchase let us know through our contact number of e mail. We are always committed to the responsibility of our brand.
by: "MR Kitchen"


MR Kitchen youtube channel, which started three years ago, now has more than 1.5 million subscribers.

We are humbly happy about that.our main purpose simple meals using our local spices without artificial flavors we think we are successful 

As our second step we  started madhu rajapaksha youtube channel there are more than one lakh subscribers with us.

As anothere step we are glad to introduce our wedsite

mrkitchen.lk  you can purchase the kitchen appliances you need, food that can be eaten you need, food that can be eaten for a long time without any artificial flavors it is pleasure to have.

Stay with us
Thank you