1000ml Plastic Container

0.00   ( 61 Sold )

Warning for microwave oven use

Put it inside of microwave oven without lid. it can be broken when the empty container is heated inside of oven. Make sure there is enough space before putting it in the oven. Use two hands with gloves after heating ti in the oven. Don't use wet cloth when glass is hot and don't put it on the wet place because it can be broken. Don't put the Aluminum foil on it when using in the oven. Other Warning Don't use when the glass body is cracked or disfigured. Wash it with smooth sponge soaked with neutral Detergent. Don't use nylon, metal scourer because it causes the crack and glass can be broken. Don't use on the Gas Oven, Don't freeze with full filled up liquid. Don't boil plastic lid over 92°C(200°F).

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